Imbolc is an ancient Gaelic word for the festival celebrated around the world on the 1st of February. It marks the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It is when the Mother Earth starts to stir the new possibility of Spring and it’s name means “in the belly”, as it refers to the “just-showing” pregnancy or a stirring of new life that has just begin. It brings us a sense of renewal and rebirth.
Winter Solstice
Throughout history, the Winter Solstice has been a time of celebration and reflection.
It’s a time to remember the past, celebrate the present, and look forward to the future. It’s a time to give thanks for the Sun, the Earth, and the changing of the seasons. It’s a time to look forward to the return of the light and the promise of a New Year. Whether you celebrate the Winter Solstice as a holiday or not, it’s a good time to take a moment to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. The winter solstice is a reminder that the darkest days can bring the brightest hopes, and that light will eventually return. The Sun stays in this Southern most position for 3 days before slowly moving back North to bring more warmth and light back to the Northern Hemisphere.
How to Begin a Gratitude Practice
Gratitude is the number one way to drop into your heart and feel appreciation for the present moment no matter what is happening. When we look for things to be grateful for, our brains reinforce the neural pathways to a happier, more uplifted perspective. You can write down or say out loud the things you are grateful for anytime to get clarity, uplift and soothe your mood, and feel more positive anytime. I use gratitude daily as a morning practice to connect to my open loving heart and you can too!
I love to start my gratitude practice first thing when I wake up. I am grateful for my bed, for a restful night's sleep, for the day, the weather, and the birds chirping. When you start to see the world through the eyes of appreciation and love, you see things for the positive opportunity they provide. Notice the beauty in things. Be grateful for what you have and you will feel more peace and contentment in your life.
I also recommend each one of us take time to meditate every day. I’ve found that it is easiest to begin a practice like this by waking up 10-15 minutes early in the morning. Gift yourself connection and peaceful stillness before your brain gets into worrying about what needs to be done today. I have recorded a morning gratitude meditation for Insight Timer, a free app with 1,000's of meditations. You can use the app to log your meditation sessions and track your progress.
Watch the video below and enjoy this morning gratitude meditation here @alicialove.
If you need some motivation, I have this same morning meditation linked into a 10 day meditation challenge you can sign up for here.
May you have peace in your heart as you journey through this life, Namaste.
Mindfulness in your Inbox
The Season is calling us into Balance
Hello Beautiful Souls!
We are about to enter into a new Astrological calendar year, starting today with the
Spring Equinox: The Time of BALANCE.
And the Sun Season of Aires, the first sign of the Zodiac.
Astrology is one thing...but focusing WITHIN is most important.
Take a moment right now to dive into your own body experience.
How do you feel? What can you sense?
Do you feel dense? Flighty? Heavy? Grounded or Ungrounded?
Whatever you feel, however you are experiencing what is in you right now,
REMEMBER everything comes in CYCLES.
Today is the day of perfect Balance.
Between Light and Dark, Day and Night.
Feel into your body rhythm. The waves of emotions. The cycles of change.
Then find that place within that is always centered and balanced. Your core. You might feel it in your belly, or your heart...
Allow your reflection of yourself be a mirror of your inner balance. Notice the discord or alignment there. Please do not judge your noticing or experience as good or bad. I'm not referring to the light and dark as "good and bad" because that is just the story we place onto the experience.
Trust where you feel balance. Notice where you feel "rightness" in your body. When you find a place that feels aligned, focus on that.
With your FOCUS: Grow that into a larger harmony.
Notice where inside you the underground, the mulching, where you cultivate your roots, where the deep knowing and trust resides.
AND also notice inside you where the brightness, lightness, divinity and expansiveness resides.
You get to choose your perspective.
What you think and feel is a reflection of what is going on within not what is being fed to us from without.
Is this time going to be one of fear or one of empowerment?
Internal awareness is powerful. Listen for the messages from within.
Notice if you are telling a story about this feeling or message.
Then CHOOSE how you really want to be with it!
We are Uniting as a Planet right now. Working together to support the whole. Each doing our part. And it is bringing up a lot for people. My wish for you is that during this time you connect within, increase your awareness of your story, and align with the true you, your Divine Love within.
With the conjunction of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn this past January we all felt a shift into a new age. Now we are in a new cycle, the next 36 years of something different. How could we have known that THIS would be happening right now?! Capricorn is about the sign of the Father, the strength of our foundation and next rights steps to creating a long term future. That is what this reset is going to allow us to do, calling in the Divine Masculine to show us the NEW foundation for the wholeness of the Planet. This week has show us that people are getting resourceful and creative AND we want to join together as a community even when we can't be in close contact with each other. AND NOW We are entering a shift into Saturn in AQUARIUS which is new, innovative, out of the box, community based and technology and communication focused! Amazing how things line up to point us in the right direction for the next big shift!
This week the Sun enters Aires. The first sign of the Zodiac. A true beginning.
Aires brings a season ripe with possibility and potential.
During this new cycle beginning, ask yourself:
What do you want?
What does your Soul want for you?
Next, take one action to help you move in that direction!
Only YOU can take your inner power and create the life you want to life.
Love, Alicia
Many Blessings to you during this time of renewal and redirection! If you feel called to dive deeper into yourself and connection with your soul's purpose during this break from normal reality please join me in Soul Coaching, this 28 day program will guide you with meditations and exercises to affirm that which you TRULY are!
I'm discounting this 28 day program for the next two months so it's available to those who need it.
More info available on my website.
Mindfulness in your Inbox
Stay Calm and Support Your Immune System
Dear Mindful Spirit Community,
The Covid-19 Coronavirus is effecting us all on some level at this point and I wanted to share with you the information I think is vital so that we can stay healthy, and minimize the strain on our community. We can all do our best to stay Mindful and make good choices for our health. Our mental health, calm mind, meditative refection is more important than ever!
Relax, stay calm, find JOY in your day! Each day, Get outside for some fresh air walking in your neighborhood! It’s best we don’t isolate completely, wave at your neighbors, enjoy the healthy fresh air and smile!
Read this list below to see facts, suggestions and all around good advice for staying healthy through this Viral Season....
What are the Coronavirus symptoms?
Dry Cough
Aches and Pains
Nasal Congestion
Runny nose
Sore throat
Symptoms have been shown to start gradually. Some infections have been asymptomatic. Most people (80%) recover from the disease without needling special treatment. About 1 out of 6 people who contract COVID-19 become seriously ill and develop difficulty breathing. The elderly and those with chronic medical problems are most at risk. About 2% of the people who have the disease have died.
Those with Fever, Cough, and Difficulty Breathing should seek Medical Attention.
1. Don’t Panic
“We should prepare, not because we may feel personally at risk, but so that we can help lessen the risk for everyone.”
Read this Article from Scientific American.
2. If you are sick, stay home.
If you are sick, wear a face mask to prevent the spread of your sickness to others.
This website explain when to wear a mask and what type of mask to use.
3. Wash your hands
In hot water, with soap, for 20 seconds (Sing yourself happy birthday), every part of your hand.
Wash your hands after using the restroom.
Wash your hands before and after preparing food.
Wash your hands after sneezing or blowing your nose.
Wash your hands right now.
Wash your hands this way, for the rest of your life.
Thank you.
If you cannot find soap and water, carry your hand sanitizers with you,
I use doTERRA's OnGuard hand soap, hand sanitizer and diffuse the oil in my home.
We know viruses get into your mouth, nose and eyes mostly often from people touching surfaces then bringing them up to their faces and into the body through eyes, nose and mouth. I've been training myself to GRAB A TISSUE!
4. Cover you coughs and sneezes.
If you are sick, you can do this by wearing a face mask.
You can do this into a tissue that you then throw away into the trash.
You can do this into the crook of your elbow.
5. Boost your immune system
Get plenty of sleep.
Eat colorful fruits and vegetables.
Eat fermented foods and take your probiotics.
Drink plenty of water and tea (add essential oils for immune boosting activity)
Get fresh air and move your body.
Take Immune Tonics
Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc (with food), Raw Garlic, Gaia Herbs Elderberry Syrup, Mushroom blends, Essential Oils, etc.
6. Reconsider traveling
To prevent getting stuck (both geographically and financially) away from home, it may be best to postpone, reschedule or cancel travel plans. You can check the State Department Travel Advisories (at this website) for more information and details about specific countries. We need to support local economy now more than ever. Don’t isolate yourself, just be mindful and know this is a temporary phase. Wise decisions now can pay off later...
7. Develop a Plan
Planning ahead will give you peace of mind.
Talking your PREVENTATIVE immune support is VITAL.
Food - Avoid panic buying. Don’t buy everything in the store. Make sure that you are able to maintain a healthy diet with foods that can last for a week or more in your home.
Medication - If you take medication daily to manage chronic conditions (Like insulin, Blood Pressure Meds, Respiratory Meds, etc.), ask your Doctor to prescribe you refills and stock up at least a week (or even a month) So that if you need to stay home you are prepared to. It also reduces strain for the pharmacies later if increase demand happens.
Job - Ask your company to allow you to work from home, offer online services, or how they are going to support their staff during these uncertain times. If you are you own a business, make a plan, if you haven’t already… think outside the box. Feel free to reach out to me about direct sales opportunities, many of us have business models for how to work from home already set up and have ideas to help you thrive!
8. If you have questions
Need help boosting your immune system?
Want help personalizing your plan or if you need assistance in any other way, please know I am happy to help!
My wish is for you to stay Well and Strong! Confidant and Joyous!
May you be surrounded by healing light.
The WHO provides a great Glossary of Terms at this website. Coronavirus: Large family of viruses which may cause illness in animal or human. Several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more sever diseases. Covid-19: COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Novel infection: Strain of an infection not seen previously. Community Spread: spread of an illness for which the source of infection is unknown.
Mindfulness in your Inbox
Beginning A New Cycle
Hello Beautiful Souls!
Do you KNOW how incredible you are? 🌟
I honor your beauty and incredible individual Soul that you are.
Honoring the Cycles of our lives are so important.
You've made it to the end of another year. You've made it to the end of a decade. You've made it to the Solstice and through the Holidays. I know the last 10 years have been full of ups and downs, spirals and circles, and a LOT of growth for you, dear one. I feel how much work you've put in to things that dearly matter to you. I notice your willingness to evolve as a soul, and be the very highest, brightest, and most divinely-guided person you can be. I know you have dreams and visions - beautiful soul - and want to contribute your unique light to the universe.
To do that we need CLARITY.
Moving forward into a new beginning takes clarity and intention. Energy goes where intention flows. Let's set the intention for 2020 to grow together. To gain more clarity, let’s clear away the clutter that fogs our view of the best and brightest future we have!
Check out my newest video on YouTube to see my best tips for moving through transition into
New Beginnings.
Here in Oregon, we are seeing the Spring Flowers already and the whisper of the Spring Equinox coming soon. It’s a time for a FRESH START and with the New Moon coming up you can set your intentions for rebirth and another chance to start fresh. The New Moon this Sunday is in Pisces.
This is a moon to receive. It doesn't teach action, it teaches presence.
This Pisces New Moon is a watery sensitive…This Pisces New Moon is a watery sensitive time for us to dive deep into ourselves, our emotions, and seek to draw out our inner truth and wisdom.
Your intuition will be heightened and you will be able to connect to your long term goals (Capricorn) but you may be feeling foggy or pulled into the Mercury retrograde (also in Pisces) that started February 16th... but don't fret, if CLARITY is your goal and you use your intuition and trust your feelings (not your worrisome mind) you will be able to restart the cycle with inner connection and presence.
Mars is in Aires so we get some fiery energy behind anything new you choose to set your heart to!
Lessons From Pisces:
*Intuition is a superpower
*peace comes from trusting the process
*nothing is permanent, including your problems
*it's possible to attract more by doing less
Consider joining me in my next Soul Coaching Group meeting for 7 weeks to support you through the 28 day program that has the ability to shift the trajectory of your life. It has had a powerful impact on my life as well as many of my friends and clients. Read my website testimonials, if you are looking for a group to support your transition and help you shift... you don't have to do it alone!
Blessings to you and your transitions to bring joy and love
into your New Beginnings!
Mindfulness in your Inbox
Full Circle Organic Produce
Hello Beautiful Souls!
I’ve been LOVING this “direct to me” farm box of LOCAL produce and products! If you use the code below you will get $15 off your first box! You get a box of CUSTOMIZABLE choice produce delivered right to your door each week. They are such a great group of people too… everyone I’ve met through this company has been helpful and kind. Exactly the people and farmers I want in my life! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Listen to your ❤️ Eat your fruits and veggies!
I didn’t know about this company until a young man came knocking at my door to tell me about the program. Usually I kindly decline as quick as possible when someone comes to my door to sell me something but he was so kind (and I do love organic produce) so I listened. Learning about the Farm, their story, was so inspirational! Then my son RAN to the door! “I wanna pick my veggies each week!” he said… well that sealed it.
The interface is SO easy on the website AND they send you a reminder text to make sure you get the fruits and veggies you want… I recently saw someone tabling for Full Circle at Pharmaca and the lovely woman taught me about the NEVER list! How cool, if you forget to customize you don’t have to worry about getting a fruit or vegetable that you won’t ever use! This is a FAR step UP from the CSA box I used to get in college with veggies I didn’t like in there EVERY WEEK. They even have a reoccurring items list that automatically adds items to your basket that you normally use weekly. How Cool! I’m loving this service and I’d bet you will too!
You get $15 off your first box with the code ALIC9292… take a step today towards healthier, easier produce grown by local farmers with technology we can get behind…TO YOUR HEALTH!
Mindfulness in your Inbox
Full Moon Crystal Magic
Hello Beautiful Souls!
The Full Moon is in Aquarius...known as the water carrier.
Aquarius energy is the undercurrent of civilization and reminds us that we are all just reflections of one another. The magic is in our ability to choose.
I choose LOVE.
When we choose beliefs that come from awareness, with an open mind we can find ways to connect, empower and support all involved. We know the highest vibration is love... and when the Sun is in Heart Centered Leo and the Moon is opposite in Conscious Aquarius we can align the heart and mind to expand into our higher selves. Next level of evolution is available to us all if we just open to it.
The full moon allows us to shed our lower vibrations.
Allow yourself to feel the fullness of your love and relax, let go (trust)
and release what no longer serves your highest good.
I just finished putting my crystals out under the nearly full moon! It's best to charge up your crystals a few nights before or on the full moon. As the moon is still growing into her fullness the energy is expanding and growing. Just as sunlight energizes us, moonlight can also energize. Water will also absorb the energy shining from the moon.
So... I filled a jar with water, added some quartz (amplifies and activates) and iolite (activates the visionary creative side of the mind), and laid out all my crystals under this beautiful Sturgeon Moon. I leave them out all night to absorb the moonlight magic!
Give it a try, listen to your intuition and where the crystals want to be placed for their optimal magic and don't forget to rescue any amethyst before the full sun hits them (amethyst LOVE moonlight but their color can fade in direct sun).
Enjoy your magical night!
Many blessings to you on this Full Moon!
Mindfulness in your Inbox
Tending to Your Inner Child
How are you beloved? Have you been making time to take care of yourself?
These past few weeks so many people have been sharing stories with me about their overwhelm and how busy they feel! Can you relate?
Well...if you are feeling stressed I hope to share some helpful energy with you today.
The distressed Inner Child is where many of our uncomfortable reactive emotions come from... Try to stop for a moment, listen within and try to accept where you are and how you feel in the present moment. Then take another moment to tend to your inner world. I believe your strength and inner wisdom will guide you.
I trust that you CAN find the peace within.
Stop and breathe.
Take 3 deep belly breaths and feel your center. Gift yourself 5 short minutes to watch my YouTube video below to learn some new ways to support yourself when you feel intense emotions. Reply or leave a comment if you find this helpful and please reach out if you have questions or need support. I am sending you so much love to help you through.
May you have peace in your heart as you journey through this life, Namaste.
Mindfulness in your Inbox
Introduction to Soul Coaching®
The Soul Coaching® program is a remarkable pathway that allows you to “hear” the yearnings of your soul. It is designed for anyone seeking phenomenal spiritual, mental, emotional and physical cleansing, renewal and transformation.
As a Soul coach, I help people connect to their Soul's Wisdom so they can trust their inner guidance, feel aligned with their soul’s purpose, and know they are loved, worthy and empowered. This 28 day program is different from most life coaching modalities, as it’s primary aim is to clear away your inner debris in order to connect you with the wisdom of your soul. Imagine a river that is blocked with sticks and boulders limiting the life flow of the soul… through awareness practices and intentions to listen within, people find amazing energy begins to nourish them through is program.
The understanding of who you are can never be told by another. It is only when you reach into the wellspring of your being that the truth of the soul springs forth. In this practice we say “Your Soul Loves the Truth!” And that is the gauge I help clients to find within themselves to become their own guide.
Day 1 of the Soul Coaching® Program starts off with an affirmation “My evaluation of myself is not who I am!” and you asses and take an inventory of your life right now. When there is a gap between where you are and where you want to be it creates an incongruity and sometimes a feeling of inauthenticity. Through creating a Mindfulness Practice and cultivating daily awareness throughout the 28 days of the program you will learn to stop judging yourself for the gaps between where you are and where you want to be, learn how to move towards your true hearts desire, and align with the inner guidance of your soul that can bring you into more harmony and brings peace.
In this video I share some quick tips to start this process…if you would like to work with me I have created daily meditations and an online version of the 28 day program so you can cultivate this practice anytime, anywhere! May you have peace in your heart as you journey through this life, Namaste.
Mindfulness in your Inbox
Astrology ~ The Turning of the Wheel
Let's honor and celebrate the ~Turning of the Wheel~
Today's Spring Equinox will bring a sense of Balance into our lives~ Day will be equal to Night and the Full Moon will be here in Libra the sign of balance and relationships.
This is the Astrological New Year! We celebrate new life and birth of a New Cycle, a New Astrological Year begins again in Aires. And with that the completion of last year’s cycle we release the Pisces energy and move into action with Fiery Aires!
Spring Equinox is March 20th and we are
blessed with a Beautiful Full Moon illuminating the fruits of our labors.
Have you come into a completion with something and are ready to move forward with something new?
As the sun moves into Aires we will feel fresh new energy entering in!
There are many ways you can honor the cycles without as well as within. Holding gratitude for the energy of Spring, feeling the energy of the growth sprouting up within you and noticing the flowers and buds on the trees starting to emerge are wonderful mindfulness moments to cherish this time of year. I like to bring fresh flowers or branches of this new life into my home, create an altar with crystals and images of spring such as eggs (new life) bunnies (abundance) and the Goddess Ostara and Goddess Persephone that representing the awakening earth, tending to our new growth and beauty coming into it’s own fullness. I encourage you to embody this energy in this season, ride the wave of energy budding within and allow it to nourish your creativity.
One of the ways we can honor the new energy coming in is to clear out the old…
a nice Spring Cleaning can show the Universe you are ready to receive! Clutter clearing is one of my favorite Soul Coaching techniques! Every time I let go I am able to receive anew.
Plant some seeds this week and watch them grow…
Many Blessings on all you will create this year!
Mindfulness in your Inbox
Why Mindfulness?
You’ve probably heard of meditation, but what is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is intention. A practice of cultivating awareness.
Focus. Hold Calm Intention. Allow the present moment to just BE without judging whether a thought or feeling is good or bad. I've felt more alive, and vibrant, focused and guided by my inner wisdom now that I hold the intention on mindfulness everyday. And honestly it was the easiest habit to start. First thing in the morning, upon waking, start by focusing on an intention. I started by setting my alarm clock just 10 minutes earlier, and I started simply with a 10 minute audio recording with daily intentions.
That’s it. It’s that simple.
Mindful Meditation truly provides benefits you can’t do without.
Research shows a regular mindfulness practice and meditation can help restructure the brain in ways that leads to better concentration, boosted immunity, and greater
10 minutes of mindful intention can make your whole day start off on the right foot. I used to feel like I didn’t have time to meditate. Now I crave it.
Can you commit to 10 minutes for the next 10 days?
You deserve at least 10 minutes to celebrate life and celebrate you!
Anything is possible if you set your mind to it. So are you in? Do you accept the challenge? Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.
Set your alarm clock right now, I challenge you. By signing up for the 10x10 challenge you will receive my free mindfulness audio which could transform the way you see life.
Let’s CELEBRATE every day in Presence!
With Big Big Love 💕
Join the 10x10 Mindfulness Challenge
Subscribe to the challenge and receive a free recording of Morning Mindful Meditation download by email + daily inspiration for your 10 days