Introduction to Soul Coaching®


The Soul Coaching® program is a remarkable pathway that allows you to “hear” the yearnings of your soul. It is designed for anyone seeking phenomenal spiritual, mental, emotional and physical cleansing, renewal and transformation.

As a Soul coach, I help people connect to their Soul's Wisdom so they can trust their inner guidance, feel aligned with their soul’s purpose, and know they are loved, worthy and empowered. This 28 day program is different from most life coaching modalities, as it’s primary aim is to clear away your inner debris in order to connect you with the wisdom of your soul. Imagine a river that is blocked with sticks and boulders limiting the life flow of the soul… through awareness practices and intentions to listen within, people find amazing energy begins to nourish them through is program.

The understanding of who you are can never be told by another. It is only when you reach into the wellspring of your being that the truth of the soul springs forth. In this practice we say “Your Soul Loves the Truth!” And that is the gauge I help clients to find within themselves to become their own guide.

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Day 1 of the Soul Coaching® Program starts off with an affirmation “My evaluation of myself is not who I am!” and you asses and take an inventory of your life right now. When there is a gap between where you are and where you want to be it creates an incongruity and sometimes a feeling of inauthenticity. Through creating a Mindfulness Practice and cultivating daily awareness throughout the 28 days of the program you will learn to stop judging yourself for the gaps between where you are and where you want to be, learn how to move towards your true hearts desire, and align with the inner guidance of your soul that can bring you into more harmony and brings peace.

In this video I share some quick tips to start this process…if you would like to work with me I have created daily meditations and an online version of the 28 day program so you can cultivate this practice anytime, anywhere! May you have peace in your heart as you journey through this life, Namaste.


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