I believe you should feel FREE to
Be who you are.

Many years ago I felt an awakening deep within me that changed the course of my life. I was called to my Inner Knowing  through working with the Divine Feminine, learning how to trust my intuition and follow my heart as my guide. I have been loving the balance I feel inside as well as my value and self worth I’ve felt ever since. I have found that being in community with others and feeling the wisdom of the Divine nourished my Soul and illuminates new possibilities ever guiding me with clarity to true soul alignment. I love being support for others and cultivating a Mindful Spirit through meditation, creative inspiration, and loving kindness.

We are faced with a new Balance of Being in the modern world today. I know how challenging it can be to feel the lack of clarity, meaning, and purpose in your daily life. I feel it is my soul's purpose to guide others to find ways to align with their mission through values and cultivating harmony by balancing the internal energies of the Masculine and Feminine. I do this with loving kindness, mindfulness coaching and astrology. The energy of the moon, planets & stars bring us valuable information about how to navigate this human existence.

I will take you on a Coaching Journey to listen to the truth of your Soul, so you can feel heard, understood and uplifted. We will call on the Spirit within and connect to your radiant light that wants to shine!

I am so grateful to have had such wise family guidance since I was a little girl. I knew I was a healer by 16 years old and so my mother taught me to meditate and my father instructed me in Tai Chi. At the age of 20 I sold my car to travel to India in Spring of 2001 where I started my journey as a healer with training in Reiki Level 1 Energy Healing. I graduated from Bastyr University with a Bachelors degree in Herbal Science and have been passionately coaching people for better happiness & health for 20 years. In 2016 I trained and became certified as a Spiritual Life Coach from Life Purpose Institute and then went on to get certified in Soul Coaching®.

In my Soul Coaching® and Evolutionary Love Coaching sessions I guide clients using loving noble questions, mindfulness practices, & meditation through a Soul Journey guided meditation to strengthen your connection with your own Divine Wisdom, Personal Power and Self Love. Among many of the coaching techniques I am trained in and use my favorite is a type of guided meditation called a Soul Journey where the client shares feelings, experiences and visuals from their meditation as I guide them to go deeper and find the answers within. My goal is to help clients hear the messages from within, so you may learn to follow your own heart towards your ultimate happiness and clarity.

I feel so connected to the light within my heart, it allows me to be a guide to light the way on the path of love, illuminating the steps back to wholeness with techniques to align your inner spiritual life with your outer life. I also love to circle with women and work with Sistership Circle to teach women the value and structure of circling together. I host my own New and Full Moon rituals in a community you can join called Mooful Spirits where we connect our hearts, call in the spiritual container, so I can transmit the wisdom of the moon & astrological guidance of the stars. Together we meditate and feel the experience of embodied spiritual connection.

In my 20 years of Wellness Coaching, I learned to trust my intuition as my guide…
I hold circles, offer Guided Meditation Journeys, Reiki and use various other healing modalities to help clients recenter, clear away disempowering beliefs, release internal blocks, calm fears, and trust the guidance from within. I coach 1:1 world wide, facilitate workshops and offer guided meditations online via Insight Timer.

Are you here in Portland, Oregon? If so, Join the Circle of Love every Monday evening where we meditate together to connect to the heart’s wisdom with loving connection to community.

Reach out today for a FREE intro session so we can connect and discover if Soul Coaching with me is the right fit for you! You can also join the mailing list below for upcoming events!

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Alicia Love is a co-founder of Two Spiritual Mamas Podcast. We started in January of 2021, Alicia Love with Shelby Barsalou have been hosting events virtually since the beginning of the global lockdown in 2020 to maintain connection to community online during the pandemic. They love to dive deep into Spiritual Conversations and share their insights with you through these episodes.
