How to Begin a Gratitude Practice

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Gratitude is the number one way to drop into your heart and feel appreciation for the present moment no matter what is happening. When we look for things to be grateful for, our brains reinforce the neural pathways to a happier, more uplifted perspective. You can write down or say out loud the things you are grateful for anytime to get clarity, uplift and soothe your mood, and feel more positive anytime. I use gratitude daily as a morning practice to connect to my open loving heart and you can too!

I love to start my gratitude practice first thing when I wake up. I am grateful for my bed, for a restful night's sleep, for the day, the weather, and the birds chirping. When you start to see the world through the eyes of appreciation and love, you see things for the positive opportunity they provide. Notice the beauty in things. Be grateful for what you have and you will feel more peace and contentment in your life.

I also recommend each one of us take time to meditate every day. I’ve found that it is easiest to begin a practice like this by waking up 10-15 minutes early in the morning. Gift yourself connection and peaceful stillness before your brain gets into worrying about what needs to be done today. I have recorded a morning gratitude meditation for Insight Timer, a free app with 1,000's of meditations. You can use the app to log your meditation sessions and track your progress.

Watch the video below and enjoy this morning gratitude meditation here @alicialove.
If you need some motivation, I have this same morning meditation linked into a 10 day meditation challenge you can sign up for here.

May you have peace in your heart as you journey through this life, Namaste.


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