The Season is calling us into Balance

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Hello Beautiful Souls

We are about to enter into a new Astrological calendar year, starting today with the 
Spring Equinox: The Time of BALANCE.
And the Sun Season of Aires, the first sign of the Zodiac.

Astrology is one thing...but focusing WITHIN is most important.
Take a moment right now to dive into your own body experience. 
How do you feel? What can you sense?
Do you feel dense? Flighty? Heavy? Grounded or Ungrounded?
Whatever you feel, however you are experiencing what is in you right now, 
REMEMBER everything comes in CYCLES.
Today is the day of perfect Balance. 
Between Light and Dark, Day and Night.


Feel into your body rhythm. The waves of emotions. The cycles of change.
Then find that place within that is always centered and balanced. Your core. You might feel it in your belly, or your heart...
Allow your reflection of yourself be a mirror of your inner balance. Notice the discord or alignment there. Please do not judge your noticing or experience as good or bad. I'm not referring to the light and dark as "good and bad" because that is just the story we place onto the experience. 
Trust where you feel balance. Notice where you feel "rightness" in your body. When you find a place that feels aligned, focus on that. 
With your FOCUS: Grow that into a larger harmony. 

Notice where inside you the underground, the mulching, where you cultivate your roots, where the deep knowing and trust resides.
AND also notice inside you where the brightness, lightness, divinity and expansiveness resides.

You get to choose your perspective.

What you think and feel is a reflection of what is going on within not what is being fed to us from without.
Is this time going to be one of fear or one of empowerment?
Internal awareness is powerful. Listen for the messages from within. 
Notice if you are telling a story about this feeling or message.
Then CHOOSE how you really want to be with it!

We are Uniting as a Planet right now. Working together to support the whole. Each doing our part. And it is bringing up a lot for people. My wish for you is that during this time you connect within, increase your awareness of your story, and align with the true you, your Divine Love within.

With the conjunction of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn this past January we all felt a shift into a new age. Now we are in a new cycle, the next 36 years of something different. How could we have known that THIS would be happening right now?! Capricorn is about the sign of the Father, the strength of our foundation and next rights steps to creating a long term future. That is what this reset is going to allow us to do, calling in the Divine Masculine to show us the NEW foundation for the wholeness of the Planet. This week has show us that people are getting resourceful and creative AND we want to join together as a community even when we can't be in close contact with each other. AND NOW We are entering a shift into Saturn in AQUARIUS which is new, innovative, out of the box, community based and technology and communication focused! Amazing how things line up to point us in the right direction for the next big shift!

This week the Sun enters Aires. The first sign of the Zodiac. A true beginning. 
Aires brings a season ripe with possibility and potential. 
During this new cycle beginning, ask yourself:

What do you want? 
What does your Soul want for you?

Next, take one action to help you move in that direction! 
Only YOU can take your inner power and create the life you want to life. 

Love, Alicia

Many Blessings to you during this time of renewal and redirection! If you feel called to dive deeper into yourself and connection with your soul's purpose during this break from normal reality please join me in Soul Coaching, this 28 day program will guide you with meditations and exercises to affirm that which you TRULY are!

I'm discounting this 28 day program for the next two months so it's available to those who need it.
More info available on 
my website.

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