Stay Calm and Support Your Immune System

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Dear Mindful Spirit Community,

The Covid-19 Coronavirus is effecting us all on some level at this point and I wanted to share with you the information I think is vital so that we can stay healthy, and minimize the strain on our community. We can all do our best to stay Mindful and make good choices for our health. Our mental health, calm mind, meditative refection is more important than ever!
Relax, stay calm, find JOY in your day! Each day, Get outside for some fresh air walking in your neighborhood! It’s best we don’t isolate completely, wave at your neighbors, enjoy the healthy fresh air and smile!

Read this list below to see facts, suggestions and all around good advice for staying healthy through this Viral Season....

What are the Coronavirus symptoms?

Dry Cough
Aches and Pains
Nasal Congestion
Runny nose
Sore throat

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Symptoms have been shown to start gradually. Some infections have been asymptomatic. Most people (80%) recover from the disease without needling special treatment. About 1 out of 6 people who contract COVID-19 become seriously ill and develop difficulty breathing. The elderly and those with chronic medical problems are most at risk. About 2% of the people who have the disease have died.

Those with Fever, Cough, and Difficulty Breathing should seek Medical Attention.

1. Don’t Panic

“We should prepare, not because we may feel personally at risk, but so that we can help lessen the risk for everyone.”
Read this Article from Scientific American.

2. If you are sick, stay home.

If you are sick, wear a face mask to prevent the spread of your sickness to others.
This website explain when to wear a mask and what type of mask to use.

3. Wash your hands

In hot water, with soap, for 20 seconds (Sing yourself happy birthday), every part of your hand.
Wash your hands after using the restroom.
Wash your hands before and after preparing food.
Wash your hands after sneezing or blowing your nose.
Wash your hands right now.
Wash your hands this way, for the rest of your life.
Thank you.

If you cannot find soap and water, carry your hand sanitizers with you,
I use doTERRA's OnGuard hand soap, hand sanitizer and diffuse the oil in my home.


We know viruses get into your mouth, nose and eyes mostly often from people touching surfaces then bringing them up to their faces and into the body through eyes, nose and mouth. I've been training myself to GRAB A TISSUE!

4. Cover you coughs and sneezes.

If you are sick, you can do this by wearing a face mask.
You can do this into a tissue that you then throw away into the trash.
You can do this into the crook of your elbow.

5. Boost your immune system

Get plenty of sleep.
Eat colorful fruits and vegetables.
Eat fermented foods and take your probiotics.
Drink plenty of water and tea (add essential oils for immune boosting activity)
Get fresh air and move your body.
Take Immune Tonics
Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc (with food), Raw Garlic, Gaia Herbs Elderberry Syrup, Mushroom blends, 
Essential Oils, etc.

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6. Reconsider traveling

To prevent getting stuck (both geographically and financially) away from home, it may be best to postpone, reschedule or cancel travel plans. You can check the State Department Travel Advisories (at this website) for more information and details about specific countries. We need to support local economy now more than ever. Don’t isolate yourself, just be mindful and know this is a temporary phase. Wise decisions now can pay off later...

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7. Develop a Plan

Planning ahead will give you peace of mind.
Talking your PREVENTATIVE immune support is VITAL.

  • Food - Avoid panic buying. Don’t buy everything in the store. Make sure that you are able to maintain a healthy diet with foods that can last for a week or more in your home.

  • Medication - If you take medication daily to manage chronic conditions (Like insulin, Blood Pressure Meds, Respiratory Meds, etc.), ask your Doctor to prescribe you refills and stock up at least a week (or even a month) So that if you need to stay home you are prepared to. It also reduces strain for the pharmacies later if increase demand happens.

  • Job - Ask your company to allow you to work from home, offer online services, or how they are going to support their staff during these uncertain times. If you are you own a business, make a plan, if you haven’t already… think outside the box. Feel free to reach out to me about direct sales opportunities, many of us have business models for how to work from home already set up and have ideas to help you thrive!

8. If you have questions

Need help boosting your immune system?
Want help personalizing your plan or if you need assistance in any other way, please know I am happy to help!

My wish is for you to stay Well and Strong! Confidant and Joyous!

May you be surrounded by healing light.

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The WHO provides a great Glossary of Terms at this website. Coronavirus: Large family of viruses which may cause illness in animal or human. Several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more sever diseases. Covid-19: COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Novel infection: Strain of an infection not seen previously. Community Spread: spread of an illness for which the source of infection is unknown.

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