Beginning A New Cycle

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Hello Beautiful Souls

Do you KNOW how incredible you are? 🌟

I honor your beauty and incredible individual Soul that you are.
Honoring the Cycles of our lives are so important.
You've made it to the end of another year. You've made it to the end of a decade. You've made it to the Solstice and through the Holidays. I know the last 10 years have been full of ups and downs, spirals and circles, and a LOT of growth for you, dear one. I feel how much work you've put in to things that dearly matter to you. I notice your willingness to evolve as a soul, and be the very highest, brightest, and most divinely-guided person you can be. I know you have dreams and visions - beautiful soul - and want to contribute your unique light to the universe.

To do that we need CLARITY.

Moving forward into a new beginning takes clarity and intention. Energy goes where intention flows. Let's set the intention for 2020 to grow together. To gain more clarity, let’s clear away the clutter that fogs our view of the best and brightest future we have!

Check out my newest video on YouTube to see my best tips for moving through transition into
New Beginnings.


Here in Oregon, we are seeing the Spring Flowers already and the whisper of the Spring Equinox coming soon. It’s a time for a FRESH START and with the New Moon coming up you can set your intentions for rebirth and another chance to start fresh. The New Moon this Sunday is in Pisces.
This is a moon to receive. It doesn't teach action, it teaches presence.

This Pisces New Moon is a watery sensitive…This Pisces New Moon is a watery sensitive time for us to dive deep into ourselves, our emotions, and seek to draw out our inner truth and wisdom. 

Your intuition will be heightened and you will be able to connect to your long term goals (Capricorn) but you may be feeling foggy or pulled into the Mercury retrograde (also in Pisces) that started February 16th... but don't fret, if CLARITY is your goal and you use your intuition and trust your feelings (not your worrisome mind) you will be able to restart the cycle with inner connection and presence. 

Mars is in Aires so we get some fiery energy behind anything new you choose to set your heart to!

Lessons From Pisces:
*Intuition is a superpower
*peace comes from trusting the process
*nothing is permanent, including your problems
*it's possible to attract more by doing less

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Consider joining me in my next Soul Coaching Group meeting for 7 weeks to support you through the 28 day program that has the ability to shift the trajectory of your life. It has had a powerful impact on my life as well as many of my friends and clients. Read my website testimonials, if you are looking for a group to support your transition and help you shift... you don't have to do it alone!

Blessings to you and your transitions to bring joy and love
into your New Beginnings!


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