Alicia’s Spiritual Library

Books that Changed my Life 

My #1 suggested read is Outrageous Openness by Tosha Silver.
This book changed the way I interacted with Spirit. In 2017 I had a major shift in my life and I continue to say how grateful I am to have been reading this book! My mindset was becoming Outrageously Open and so when I had to pivot in my job I was open to the changes to come….and they became life altering changes in EVERY aspect of my life. I can’t talk about this book enough these days, everyone I know has read it on my recommendation and they love it!

Tosha Silver is a great story teller and weaves the Wisdom of the Divine as if it is a secret she wants everyone to know. When you surrender, through TRUE offering, you are open to the faith that Source is Divine. You will be cared for when you stop grasping for control….allowing the Divine to take the lead is humble, graceous, and the way to Divine Flow. Lessons to live by for sure!

Tosha’s 3rd book It’s Not Your Money is also a WONDERFUL
8 week program guiding you through the concepts of letting go and allowing Divine Flow, creating abundance in all ways.


I wanted to be a Soul Coaching practitioner 15 years ago when I first read this book, Soul Coaching by Denise Linn. This life changing process of learning to listen to the inner messages from my soul was the catalyst for me coming home to myself.

Using this book over 4 weeks you will take a Spiritual Journey. You are guided daily with affirmations, exercises and the elements of nature to help bring you home to your spiritual roots. I have experienced profound shifts in my life and I have guided others to empowering life change as well. No matter how much time you have to devote to this process you will see amazing results!

If you want to be supported in your process of growth and transformation while using this book message me for more information on my guided 28 Day Soul Coaching program.
         ~Your Soul loves the Truth!~


The Four Agreements has been my bible, my map & my guide for how I choose to live my life in joy & freedom. Don Miguel Ruiz is a wisdom keeper of the Toltec philosophy of living life with these 4 simple and life changing POWERFUL agreements.

In our conscious choices we have the opportunity to mindfully choose to take action in alignment with heart and soul. These agreements have been my road map to do just that.

  1. Be impeccable with your word.

  2. Don’t take anything personally.

  3. Don’t make assumptions.

  4. Always do your best.

If you are ready to change your beliefs to empower your true self and be in the world your best self… contact me for a coaching experience that empowers you to achieve your most joyous life!


What an inspiring book!

HeatherAsh Amara is a Warrior Goddess trained in the Toltec tradition. She brings ancient wisdom to women today and breaks down the steps to empowering your inner Warrior Goddess. 

This book has step by step wisdom teachings that spiral you into the center of your being through exercises that guide you to safely within to uncover your personal power, passion and joy.

Joy and Abundance come effortlessly when we pursue what lights us up. Passion is an unlimited source of energy, we are able to express or whole being when filled with passion. Without passion life feels stale. Do you feel connected to your passions? Contact me for a free intro session to discover how Soul Coaching can support your truth discovery process!


My copy of Sacred Contacts by Carolyn Myss is well worn, dog eared and underlined ALL OVER! This book has guided me for nearly 20 years to understand the patterns we hold through the archetypes of collective consciousness. You really can Awaken your Divine Potential in understanding these parts of yourself. Dive in and you will understand yourself deeper and deeper with every chapter!


If you are looking to awaken your Feminine Spirit, the book Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn Kent is a profound and creative guide through the deep connection to the pelvic bowl, energy patterns and feminine identity. This book is filled with empowering self care, restoring the bodily energetic balance, visualizations and other creative exercises. I go back to it again and again for inspiration.


Oracle Cards

Most Beautiful Artwork by Danielle Noel that inspires beauty within and guidance from Spiritual Teacher, Rebecca Campbell, supports me to Trust my Divine Wisdom. Pull a card to be guided… feel the Wisdom. Trust your intuition, it’s always right on!

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My favorite of all my cards! The Wild Offering Oracle is another collection of wise affirmations from Tosha Silver, these offerings are prayers of openness and release to aid you in everything from courage to self love. Some of my most helpful tools!


This deck is new for me but from the second I opened it I started seeing patterns of how Archetypes are all around me. In my friends, challenging colleagues, family members… it has been EYE OPENING to use this deck and understand the shadow attributes as well as the light for these patterns of the psyche.

My Favorite Spirit Animal Oracle Deck is so beautiful it inspires me every day. The Animal World urges us to reclaim our essential Truth - That we are one in Spirit, connected to every living thing on this earth in a unified consciousness. With the draw of a card, you can share in this wisdom and better navigate your life, move beyond the obstacles of your perceived limitations, and tune in to your infinite potential.