Elevate Your Life, Empower Your Resilience, Energy, Mood & Mindset!

To eliminate toxic stress based cultural habits @ work to ignite radical self accountability through improved engagement, wellness & communication.


Do you know who you are and why you are here?

Do you know your greatest mission and calling in life?

Are you aware of the values, potential, creativity, leadership abilities and purpose that resides deep inside of you and which once activated acts like an inner compass to guide your career, health, relationships, happiness and life?

You see, no matter how great your outward success is, if you don’t know the answer to these questions, you might feel empty, discontent and like there is something missing in your life.

Our 28-Day Empowered Potential Program is a powerful course anyone, can do. It is a process that takes you deep within, helping you find meaning and purpose inside of you, and your current everyday life. It allows you to take an honest look at yourself and life, face fears, release old negative patterns, get motivated, and step boldly and joyfully into your future and the Empowered Potential only you were born to lead.

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Empowered Potential Coaching aligns your inner compass, and secret impossible dreams, and with your outer life. It helps you to clear away mental and emotional noise, excuses, distractions, excessive busyness, and clutter so that you can hear the messages from within. Awakening you to discover your true purpose, strengths and values so that you can design your days to support more of this alignment with your true self. An important REMINDER - your unique purpose has a lot more to do with who you desire to BE in the world, and how you show up, than what you do.

You are in a process of realizing your Empowered Potential!


This Empowered Potential Program is for you if:

  • You are a soul coach looking for new ways to support clients in a corporate or business environment to identify, coach and overcome common challenges.

  • You're ready to get clear on your Soul Coaching® WHY - providing clear direction, planning and strategic motivation to achieve greater business goals and outcomes.

  • You'd like to build even greater confidence by understanding your unique Empowered Potential strengths and qualities, Plus receive practical tools to build greater trust, motivation and outcomes for your clients in a new language.

  • You've been looking for additional ways to inspire, motivate and increase your business, while elevating clients resilience, accountability, communication and engagement.

  • You are excited to reconnect with an amazingly supportive group of Empowered Soul Coaches and walk away from the 28 Days ready to LAUNCH Empowered Potential within your business.

  • You know there's a need for a different style of leading and coaching for clients within the current business environment and unprecedented changing times, but you're not sure where to start.

  • You would like to increase your income in 2021 and beyond by offering more high end client programs.


Investment for all levels


If you are independent, good at time management, are self motivated and want to journey at your own pace then start when the time is right for you and choose the Committed to Change Program. It is completely online, start anytime and gain access the guidance forever. Both options include a physical workbook gift sent to you at home to guide you.


This package is tailor designed for you with 1:1 personal guidance and accountability supporting to stay on track. The Playing Full Out Package includes 2 business coaching sessions with Alicia will help you break through your blocks limiting your most Empowered Potential.

Along this Journey you will tap into the Wisdom of Nature
by mastering the elements within.

Nature is a melding of the elements- and so is your mind, emotions, spirit and body a cohesive whole when you find the harmony of Love with your Soul.

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Overview of the Programs