Evolutionary Love

“is a cherishing form of love, because it recognizes that which is lovely in each being
and compassionately supports its existence.”

Love will guide you home…
You have a Temple of Love in your Own Heart


I am honored to be your guide to light the way,
we are all walking each other home.


Welcome to Mindful Spirit Coaching!

Awaken & Honor Your Feminine Wisdom With
Monthly Sisterhood Circles

The Mage Sister Circles are for Women who wish to Circle into Remembrance & Return of the Sacred Feminine. 🌹 Stella Rae joins me in bringing the wisdom of Astrology, the Venus Cycle, and Embodied Feminine presence to Empower Women to Rise Together on their Sovereign Soul Journeys.

Awaken your Spirit in Online Ceremony Every New Moon and Full Moon with
Venus Women’s Circles!

My life purpose is to embody the Divine Feminine, leading from a place of balance. I empower others to embody a new model of Evolved LOVE for a New Earth.
— Alicia Love

 Hello Beautiful Soul!
My name is Alicia Love. I believe we are the ones we’ve been waiting for… and it looks like a
Feminine Revolution!

I Trust the Divine Feminine Rebalancing to guide us back into wholeness. Let’s travel together on this journey by circling together for the Evolution of this planet.

I am a Venus Blueprint Astrologer & Soul Coach® ready to help YOU connect to your most
Empowered Self Aligned with your Purpose.

I am here to help you learn new ways to love and be truly in love with yourself.

I believe: When you follow your
Soul's Wisdom you can confidently trust your inner guidance, feel aligned with your soul’s purpose, and know you are loved, worthy and connected to your
authentic power through loving yourself.

Connecting to your Soul brings you more Joy,
inner strength,
Direction, Balance &

Becoming a Mindful Spirit is a journey of self-discovery, I am here to be a light to guide your way.

With 20 years of experience and a Spiritual Toolbox full of tools like Soul Journey Guided Meditation, Noble Questions & Intuitive Spiritual insights, and I will help you tap into your inner knowing to EMPOWER your connection to the Divine Wisdom within and bring you into a new evolved,
higher version of Love.

Soul Coaching with Alicia Love:

Muse Session ~ Fall in Love with Yourself

I would be honored to be a guide on your Evolutionary Love Journey to feeling confidant, Empowered and seeing yourself as the Love that you are.


I am here to Empower the Love within you so you can feel confidant, joyful & love your life


Alicia co-hosts Bi-Monthly Moon Circles for Women seeking intuitive energy guidance, ceremony and loving support.

Alicia Love can guide you to a connection with Spirit

If you desire grounding, guidance and clarity Alicia Love is a
Spiritual Life Coach that can help you though any transition of life.

let your inner wisdom shine through.


Learn to follow your heart and become who you were meant to be.


If you feel ready for a Powerful transformative change
and would like support…

Allow me to be your guide.

Soul Coaching® is process that takes you to your spiritual source and helps you find meaning and sacredness in your everyday life. It allows you to take an honest look at yourself and your life, face fear, release old negative patterns, get motivated,
and step boldly and joyfully into your future.

Do you feel drawn to live a more meaningful life?
Join my email list for free meditations and musings on how Astrology effects your energy

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Alicia Love is as loving as her name! I highly recommend Alicia Love to anyone who is on the path of either self-love, self-healing, or anyone interested in improving their self-esteem, confidence and bringing a more positive vibe into their life. Not only did Alicia help me with my own personal issues through weekly spiritual life coaching, but she also very generously supported me throughout the week. Alicia helped me brainstorm lists made of ways I could overcome my bad habits and she was amazing at encouraging me to brain storm how I could improve the specific area of my life I came in needing help for. Her kindness, genuinely caring personality, and natural generosity were extremely impressive and touched me deeply. She was quick to help me when I was in need.

Alicia has been a great find. She has been consistently open hearted and generous, often introducing me to other like-minded healers and coaches as well. In many ways, because of Alicia, I am now on a healing path that is still unfolding in beautifully fascinating and unpredictable ways. This, in time will hopefully not only help me personally, but eventually help in the healing of others as well. - Gabrielle

Thank you so much Alicia for taking the time to work with me through that life changing transition.  Is was so nice to have someone to work with that was able to help me reframe my thoughts and words in a positive way and to see that transition in a new light.  After our session I was able to use that same process when other situations arose and I felt like it really helped! I am so excited that I got the job and I feel like a owe a lot of that to you!  You are such a wonderful person and I am so lucky to have worked with you. Thank you!
- Nicole

Mindful Spirit Coaching with Alicia Love offers a beautiful path of guidance, carefully looking inward, expanding your mind and finding your truth. There were several thought processes that were definitely holding me back from moving forward. Alicia gracefully guided me through this process and I felt lighter and clearer almost instantly, and was able to incorporate new patterns of thinking and behavior to better my life. To be unstuck is gold. I highly recommend Alicia, for she is a gifted healer, compassionate and kind.
- Anna

Professionally I am committed to providing insight, understanding and truth to my patients as we navigate their life moving forward in a direction that they desire.  Figuring out why we are "blocked" can be one of the most satisfying and potentially transformative experiences towards a desired outcome.  So, when it comes time for me to look for guidance in my own life, I was fortunate enough to cross Alicia's path. Alicia has been nothing shy of instrumental in helping me find my own clarity in my personal and professional life.  She authentically wants to guide her clients to their own innate truth and not step in their way or jump to the answer.  Like great teachers, she sets the foundation and encourages along the way so that you arrive at your own truth.  In other words she doesn't just give you the fish, she teaches you how to fish.
- David Geller, ND

I have learned so much from you over the last nine years. Your love, light and patience has help me to learn how to be more grounded and open to Source, which has allowed me to find my celebrate more of my authentic self. I am so honored to be part of your tribe.
- In Love & Joy, Ali

After our session yesterday, I just wanted to tell you that you are amazing at what you do. Thank you for being my coach! You are helping me, immensely.

~Laura with Frog Jump Fitness

I loved the Free Your Voice Show interview with Alicia Love, especially about feeling into my Yes or No by tapping into my body wisdom. When she spoke of using my body as a pendulum, which is another form of muscle testing, that is what I teach in my own presentations as well. I’m learning more and more how to utilize my internal gifts. Our bodies are so precious in so many ways that most of us are clueless about. Thank you, Rush Dorsett, for bringing in these speakers that help open our minds and our eyes to the possibilities we all have within us. Much love and hugs!

~ Jisele 

We had a BIG breakthrough yesterday. The program is really helping unlock things for my partner and as a result, so much is coming up with his values and life purpose. And what he’s doing in life… whereas I’m feeling really empowered and validated for how my intuition has guided me through these contemplations in different ways… but nonetheless I have had many of these questions come to me for consideration. And realizing how I’ve labeled my need to ‘clear the clutter’ as a symptom of a dysfunction rather than a message or guidance from what my would needs for clarity! I’m feeling really good about that part.

~ Katya

The second I met Alicia, I knew right away she wasn’t from the platform. Her love and sweetness emanate with such radiance! There was always a pull to seek more from her as she has always inspired me and has taught me something in every conversation I've ever had with her. She is a master at her craft and has so much love and wisdom to share, help and inspire.

Alicia helped me not only how to attract love and romance but she helped me learn how to love and treasure myself above all. My experience with Alicia has transformed my love life in every aspect, with my family, my friends, and the world we live in. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful Soul and teaching and sharing unconditional love.

~ Coca

We are better together
join a community of like-minded souls…
for Soul transformation

Soul Connection 28 Day Program
One time

Soul Connection with Soul Coaching® is a four-week program that guides you through daily meditation and healing techniques to clear away old stagnant energy and gives you skills to grow tapping into your own intuition & inner wisdom.


Would you Like to feel feelings of Open hearted freedom, Spiritual connection and Inner Peace?

Follow me on IG, YouTube, attend a Moon Circle, Join the Soul Coaching Group Program or reach out directly and connect with Alicia
Your Journey Within is guided with Love.